8  Case Study

8.1 About

We would like to build a predictive model to explain and predict water temperature at Sydney beaches.

The codebase will have two branches.

  1. main: A demonstration of a typical monolithic notebook style analysis
  2. production-ready: A demonstration of a refactoring of the above to include elements of production-ready code.

To clone the codebase from Github:

usethis::create_from_github("deanmarchiori/beachwatch", fork = FALSE)

8.2 Development Code

Ensure you are on the main branch.

Let’s take a look at the structure of the repository.

We have our raw data in the data directory and a Quarto notebook called model_notebook.qmd which contains the end-to-end workflow. This notebook also exports our final fitted model as an .rds object in the deploy directory.

├── beachwatch.Rproj
├── data
│   └── Water quality-1727670437021.csv
├── deploy
│   └── beachwatch_model.rds
└── model_notebook.qmd
Interactive Session

Explore the contents of model_notebook.qmd locally or at https://github.com/deanmarchiori/beachwatch/blob/main/model_notebook.qmd

8.2.1 Questions

  • What benefits does this workflow have?
  • What are the key drawbacks?
  • What happens when we improve the model?
  • How do we compare or roll back changes?

8.2.2 Elements of Production Code

Element Present?
Version Control
Metadata and Documentation
Testing & Monitoring

8.3 Production Code

Next we will make a number of changes to the above structure to implement the elements of production quality R code.

Switch to the production-ready branch.

Let’s take a look at the structure of the repository. We will go through this step by step.

├── beachwatch.Rproj
├── data
│   └── sydney_water_temp.rda
├── data-raw
│   ├── sydney_water_temp_raw.R
│   └── Waterquality1727670437021.csv
├── Dockerfile
├── inst
│   ├── analysis
│   │   └── model_notebook.qmd
│   └── deploy
│       └── sydney-beach-gam
│           ├── 20241007T015537Z-bb3f3
│           │   ├── data.txt
│           │   └── sydney-beach-gam.rds
│           └── 20241007T021501Z-bb3f3
│               ├── data.txt
│               └── sydney-beach-gam.rds
├── LICENSE.md
├── man
│   ├── fit_water_temp_model.Rd
│   └── sydney_water_temp.Rd
├── plumber.R
├── R
│   ├── data.R
│   └── fit_water_temp_model.R
├── tests
│   ├── testthat
│   │   └── test-gam-function.R
│   └── testthat.R
└── vetiver_renv.lock

8.3.1 R Package

The most radical change was the adoption of an R Package framework. This is not strictly necessary, however it will help us adopt common features around how we document and test our code.

To create an R package you can use the RStudio IDE (File > New Project) or use the {usethis} command below:

usethis::create_package(path = here::here("mypkg"))
> usethis::create_package(path = here::here())
✔ Setting active project to "/home/deanmarchiori/workspace/beachwatch".
✔ Creating R/.
Package: beachwatch
Title: What the Package Does (One Line, Title Case)
Authors@R (parsed):
    * First Last <first.last@example.com> [aut, cre] (YOUR-ORCID-ID)
Description: What the package does (one paragraph).
License: `use_mit_license()`, `use_gpl3_license()` or friends to
    pick a license
Encoding: UTF-8
Roxygen: list(markdown = TRUE)
RoxygenNote: 7.0.0
✔ Writing NAMESPACE.
✔ Writing beachwatch.Rproj.
✔ Adding "^beachwatch\\.Rproj$" to .Rbuildignore.
✔ Adding "^\\.Rproj\\.user$" to .Rbuildignore.
✔ Opening /home/deanmarchiori/workspace/beachwatch/ in new RStudio session.
✔ Setting active project to "<no active project>".

We can see this sets up the package skeleton for us.

We can install the R package once we are in the Project by running

devtools::install(pkg = ".")

8.3.2 Metadata

Next we should update and review the various metadata that are created.

  • The DESCRIPTION file is a useful way of including details on what your does and who the maintainers and developers are.
  • LICENCE provides a way to convey the licence you are releasing the software under
  • NAMESPACE is a special file that is automatically created for us.

8.3.3 Data

In the development code we had an arbitrary directory with the data stashed in there as a csv file. We make the handling of data more formal here.

  1. The raw data is placed in data-raw/.
  2. A script to read in and clean the raw data is available in data-raw.
  3. The above script ends with the code usethis::use_data which formally exports the clean data for use by your R package.

The below helper functions can assist here:

> usethis::use_data_raw("sydney_water_temp_raw")
✔ Setting active project to "/home/deanmarchiori/workspace/beachwatch".
✔ Creating data-raw/.
✔ Adding "^data-raw$" to .Rbuildignore.
✔ Writing data-raw/sydney_water_temp_raw.R.
☐ Modify data-raw/sydney_water_temp_raw.R.
☐ Finish writing the data preparation script in data-raw/sydney_water_temp_raw.R.
☐ Use `usethis::use_data()` to add prepared data to package.
usethis::use_data(sydney_water_temp, overwrite = TRUE)
> usethis::use_data(sydney_water_temp, overwrite = TRUE)
✔ Setting active project to "/home/deanmarchiori/workspace/beachwatch".
✔ Adding R to Depends field in DESCRIPTION.
✔ Setting LazyData to "true" in DESCRIPTION.
✔ Saving "sydney_water_temp" to "data/sydney_water_temp.rda".
☐ Document your data (see <https://r-pkgs.org/data.html>).

Next we need to document our data set using the template seen in R/data.R.

#' NSW Beachwatch Water Quality Data
#' Water temperature and quality data collected under the NSW Government Beachwatch program.
#' @format
#' A data frame with 8947 rows and 7 columns:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{temp}{Water Temperature in C}
#'   \item{beach}{Water measurement site}
#'   \item{date}{Measurement date}
#'   \item{time}{Measurement time}
#'   \item{month}{Numeric label for month of measurement}
#'   \item{hour}{Numeric label for hour of measurement}
#'   \item{month_lab}{Factor label for month of measurement}
#'   ...
#' }
#' @source <https://beachwatch.nsw.gov.au/waterMonitoring/waterQualityData>
#' @source licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)

Once we build and install our package we can run the below code to load the clean, model ready data into our R session.


If we want to understand more about our data, we can read the documentation by running ??sydney_water_temp.

8.3.4 R Functions

We can now refactor any R code in out notebook to be formal R Functions.

Each function can occupy its own R Script in the R/ directory of the project. Properly documented with Roxygen tags, these will automatically generate help pages when the package is documented and built.

In any function, we should explicitly namespace the functions within using the pkg::foo() standard. To capture these dependencies we can run:

usethis::use_package(package = "pkg")

8.3.5 Tests

Unit tests can be written using the {testthat} package.

> usethis::use_testthat()
✔ Setting active project to "/home/deanmarchiori/workspace/beachwatch".
✔ Adding testthat to Suggests field in DESCRIPTION.
✔ Adding "3" to Config/testthat/edition.
✔ Creating tests/testthat/.
✔ Writing tests/testthat.R.
☐ Call usethis::use_test() to initialize a basic test file and open it for editing.

8.3.6 Analysis

Interactive Session

We can see the Quarto notebook containing our workflow still exists. We have moved it to inst/analysis for convenience. This is still the primary document that analysts will use to develop and iterate on their models. However, unlike before when all the functional and orchestration code was co-mingled, we now have the case where the key elements of our workflow have been decomposed into discrete functions.


It’s important here to note that this isn’t the only workflow choice possible. Users may prefer to implement a {targets} workflow for instance rather than persist with a notebook. This is fine, and in fact modularising the code as we have done is a common first step in this type of refactoring.

8.3.7 Deployment artefacts

At the end of the analysis we need some way to get our model off our laptop. The framework we are using in this example are the tools from the {vetiver} package.

The first step is the save our fitted model somewhere. Rather than just save a serialised object in a folder, it would be ideal to capture some other details:

  • Model Name
  • Model Type
  • Metadata such as
    • Model Version
    • Metric (e.g. AIC)
  • Persisted versions

The use of the {pins} and the {vetiver} package can help us.

First we configure a ‘board’ to ‘pin’ our model to. In this case we will just register a local directory as a board (called deploy_board), but you can configure this to save to multiple locations such as Posit Connect, Azure Storage, AWS S3, Dropbox, Github etc.

deploy_board <- pins::board_folder(path = here("inst/deploy"), versioned = TRUE)

Next we save our model (called mod_gam) as a ‘vetiver model’ object.

We give it a nice name, some metadata and we can also include a sample of new data for testing purposes, which will be handy later.

v <- vetiver_model(
  model = mod_gam,
  model_name = "sydney-beach-gam",
  metadata = list(aic = mod_gam$aic),
  save_prototype = data.frame(
    month = 12,
    hour = 6,
    beach = factor("Bondi Beach", levels = levels(sydney_water_temp$beach))

This can be written to our ‘pins’ board

vetiver_pin_write(board = deploy_board, vetiver_model = v)

We can see this is saved a versioned object in inst/deploy

├── inst
│   ├── analysis
│   │   └── model_notebook.qmd
│   ├── deploy
│   │   └── sydney-beach-gam
│   │       ├── 20241007T015537Z-bb3f3
│   │       │   ├── data.txt
│   │       │   └── sydney-beach-gam.rds
│   │       └── 20241007T021501Z-bb3f3
│   │           ├── data.txt
│   │           └── sydney-beach-gam.rds
file: sydney-beach-gam.rds
file_size: 416173
pin_hash: bb3f3af062cceea5
type: rds
title: 'sydney-beach-gam: a pinned list'
description: A generalized additive model (gaussian family, identity link)
tags: ~
urls: ~
created: 20241007T015537Z
api_version: 1
  aic: 29114.71767
  required_pkgs: mgcv
  renv_lock: ~

We can also use various functions to read our pins boards

pins::pin_list(board = deploy_board)
vetiver::vetiver_pin_read(board = deploy_board, name = "sydney-beach-gam")

8.3.8 Deploy

Now we have saved and versioned our model appropriately, we need a way to deploy it as an API endpoint that users can supply new data to and get a model prediction.

While there are other pathways (particularly for users of Posit Connect) we will focus on using Docker.

veriver also has helper functions to create the deployment artifacts we need.

Firstly, to test our deployment locally we can use

pr() %>%
  vetiver_api(v) |> 
  pr_run(port = 8080)

This takes our ‘vetiver model’ object and uses the plumber package to rig up an API endpoint and documentation. It also helpfully creates other endpoints for health-checks and metadata.

To deploy as a Docker container we need to define a docker file and identify the system and package dependencies we need. You can do this manually, or we can rely on the helful function:

vetiver_prepare_docker(board = deploy_board, 
                       name = "sydney-beach-gam", 
                       docker_args = list(port = 8080), 
                       path = here::here(), 
                       version = "20241012T004145Z-be322")

This will create three files:

  1. Dockerfile
  2. renv lockfile
  3. plumber.R
Tip with Title

If you have saved your model to a local folder, instead of a remote pin you will need to edit the Dockerfile to copy across this folder. It is generally recommended to remotely save your model object. Use e.g. COPY inst/deploy /opt/ml/inst/deploy

To build your docker image:

docker build -t beach .

and to run it:

docker run -p 8080:8080 beach

The endpoint should now be live at

8.3.9 Questions

  • What benefits does this workflow have?
  • What are the key drawbacks?
  • What happens when we improve the model?
  • How do we compare or roll back changes?

8.3.10 Elements of Production Code

Element Present?
Version Control
Metadata and Documentation
Testing & Monitoring